Hello Trusted Event Vendor
Thank you for your partnership to ensure the success of this exciting event and in providing a seamless experience for our shared client and their guests. Our vendor team for this event features 15+ different companies installing in a confined space, thank you in advanced for confirming your load in time, electrical needs, and other key information below.
Event: Ferran Fest - A (mostly outdoor) private event for Ferran's (300 or so) employees and their families.
When: December 14, 2024 - 4pm to 8pm (for attendees, please see load in below)
Onsite Contact: Text 321 946 6565 (Paula)
Client: Ferran Services - 530 Grand Street - Orlando, FL 32805 (for contract and payments)
Where: Ferran Services - 530 Grand Street - Orlando, FL 32805
When: December 14, 2024 (4pm to 8pm)
Attire: Your normal event attire, not a formal event,
WIFI: SSID: Ferran_Christmas_Party_Vendors wifi key is FerranHQ*2023
Meals: Non alcoholic beverages and light meal provided
Load In & Strike: View Schedule
Vendor Parking: Complimentary in gravel lot adjacent to event site (see diagram)
Onsite Contact: Posh Able Events - Text 321 946-6565
Inclement Weather: The event was designed to be 60% under cover of roof or tent. In the event of rain there is a warehouse space that we can move any uncovered activations to.
Music: DJ - Playing a G Rated Mix of Top 40, Country, and Holiday.
DJ Script: Coming Soon
Garbage: Cans and bags are provided. Dumpster onsite
Electric: View Power Plan to confirm you have what you need
Event Vendor Checklist
Submit Contract: Submit and receive a copy of your signed contract (listing client not Event Planner)
Request Payment: If you have not already been paid in full send an email To: Paula@AnythingisPoshAble.com, Subject: Ferran Invoice - attach an invoice, credit card link - or information on how you want to be paid. NO CHECKS ARE DISTRIBUTED AT EVENT.
Provide W9: Email a W9 Blank W9
Provide COI: Provide a Certificate of Insurance for your company, listing Ferran Services - 530 Grand Street - Orlando, FL 32805 as an additional insured
Review Site Plan - Ensure the footprint allocated for your activation is ample. IF NOT EMAIL US PRIOR TO 11/25 so we can re design.
Review Electrical Requirements - Ensure your electrical needs have been accounted for and that you provide a 50 foot extension cord. To note ALL ELETRIC MUST BE ORDERED IN ADVANCE.
Schedule Your Load In : View Production Schedule
Event Site Map
Production Schedule (Please CONFIRM YOUR TIME)
Friday, December 13
10am - Posh Able Events & Ferran - Onsite Plan Review
10:30am - Orlando Fun Bounce
1pm- Pop Noggins/Absolute Amusements (Breeze way and other large items)
2pm - 5pm Event Works (Tent Install)
1pm - 5pm Ferran Services (Self Installed Items) Tents/Tables/Bars/Coolers/Ice/Alcohol/Garbage Cans
12pm and 2pm - United Site Services​
The site is gated overnight​
​Saturday, December 14
Pop Noggins/Absolute Amusements (407-856-3866)
Ferran Services (Self Installed Items) Tents/Tables/Bars/Coolers/Ice/Alcohol/Garbage Cans
Posh Able Events (321 946 6565)
Posh Able Events Team (321 946 6565)
Orlando Fun Bounce
Cruisin Cuisine: Antonio Vargas (386) 479-3239
Lee's Famous Cheesesteaks & Wings: Dee Lee (407) 865-2339
Romaing Hunger Ash Thomas (626) 905-8299
Corn Hole (Ferran)
Ferran Electrical Load In (Kyle and Shawn)
Event Works (non tent item placements)​
Ferran Bars and Mixers, Cups, Ice, Alcohol
Rock Star Mobile Ax​ (407-326-8429)
BTTR Video and Photo (Kasia 407-600-2399)
BINGO Rez Events (727-518-4394)
Roaming Hunger - Food Truck 1 and 2
Vehicles are moved from the event area and parked in designated lot.
My Bar Service (407-757-7583 One Bar Manager 2pm - 9pm)
TLF Entertainment (DJ Sarah 661-972-7393) at 2:30
Park South Photography​​
Artistic Talent Group
Shuttle Jet USA (antonio@jetsetusa.com)
My Bar Service (Two Bar Tenders 3pm - 8pm)
4pm - 8pm
- Drop Sweets in Tent
4:45 - Sweets Contest Judging and Prize Announcement
5pm - 6pm - Orlando City Kingston
6pm - 7pm - UCF Knightro
6:30pm Bryan pull prize winners and get prizes to the DJ Tent​
7:00pm DJ Announce Prize Winners
8pm - 10pm
Strike all vendors unless approved
Items approved for Monday Pick UP: United Site Services
Safety and Security
This event has been designed with the safety and security of event attendees and vendors as a top priority.
View City of Orlando Permit for Tents (Event Works)
View Certificates of Insurance for each Vendor
Hired Security Officer 2pm to 9pm
Ax Throwing - Requires Closed Toed Shoes
Lighting Plan
Our event is 4pm to 8pm, the sun sets at 5:30 that day. Ferran (see image at top of page) has installed festive lighting on the building and there are several permanent light poles on property. In addition:
Event Works - Lights in Tents and Market Lights for Food Truck Alley
PopNoggins - Up lights in the Arcade Hall
PopNoggins - 3 Orb Crystal Lights Draw on Diagram
Rock Star AX Throwing - Lighting their Booths